Monday, January 7, 2008

Words Matter

”Stick and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me.” from popular children’s rhyme

I don’t know if it’s a sign of aging, maturity, boredom, or a commentary on my love life, but on Saturday night, I sat alone, cross legged on my bed, sipping ginger tea and wearing sweats, and I watched the New Hampshire Presidential Debates.

The Republicans went first, during dinnertime, so I missed most of that. But I watched the Democratic debate in its entirety.

Hillary was cute when she feigned disappointment at not being as likable as Obama. Obama clearly outlined his position on healthcare. Edwards spoke passionately about internal motivation. Richardson played the elder statesman card well.
(Interesting, isn’t it, how all the male candidates are generally referred to by their last names, while Hillary is called Hillary.)

Each candidate’s supporters claimed victory in the debate. I can't say that I noticed any clear winner.

But one line did stand out for me. Two words, actually. Spoken by Barrack Obama. He said, “Words matter.”

My head snapped to attention and I quickly pressed the TiVo rewind button. What did he say?!
Stop. Play.
Obama leaned forward on his elbows, put his mouth closer to his microphone, turned his body towards Hillary and said, “Words matter.”
YES! I heard it right!
Words matter.

Words matter because the ability to express oneself well can be the difference between understanding and confusion.
Words matter because they can draw us together or tear us apart, engender understanding or ignite opposition.
Words matter because they are a direct expression of an individual and carry the power of feelings.

Words matter.
And the way in which words are used, matters.
I love you! I love you. I love you? I love. You?
Words that matter…differently.

Words matter.
And the absence of words matters.
Silence is silence. Or silence is unspoken words. It makes a difference AND it matters.

Words matter.

The way I speak to my children matters.
The way I express myself to people seeking my advice matters.
The way I choose to demonstrate disappointment, frustration, anger, love, sadness, joy…all of it matters.

Will these words affect my decision for president? Maybe. Maybe not. BUT…they do matter.

Words matter.


Carrie Wilson Link said...

Love this. Yes, words matter. Very. Much.

Someone I love went to high school with Barack Obama. He's got my vote!

Amber said...

Huh. You know, that is something I think BILL Clinton really understood. He knew how words mattered, and knew how to use them. It is not a talent Hillary Clinton seems to pull off...

I DO this it is funny about the first name thing. Maybe it is just because we have "known" her for so long, as "Hillary". "Bill" and "Hillary"... People often called him just "Bill". Or maybe it is a sign of a lack of respect for her as a leader. ?

I like Richardson. I think he has a lot of experience and a good record. And he seems very "likeable" to me... I think it is "fatism" that keeps him out. I really do. People might not even realize it, but research always shows that people are slow to support heavy people, in favor of "good looking". That's sad. :(


Ask Me Anything said...

Simple and powerful. Yes, they do matter.

Nancy said...

"Words matter because they are a direct expression of an individual and carry the power of feelings." I love the way you break this into pieces and put it back together. I will be reading and re-reading this post for a while. Thank you.

Wanda said...

Like...duh! know...whatever.
