Sunday, January 6, 2008

It's a Two Way Street

There is a poster in the hall at my yoga studio that depicts a yogi in a series of over 900 different yoga poses. Every time I go to the studio, I see that poster. I have marveled at the way this man can gumby his body.
In the bottom right hand corner of this poster, in very small print, it says, “I am not this body. I am not this mind.” I’ve seen that a million times too.

Yesterday, I understood it.

I’ve heard similar statements before. My interpretation has always focused on the aspect of me extending beyond -- an outward migration of my energy, extending me beyond the limits of what is traditionally thought of as “me”. The idea that even my thoughts are energy and can have an effect upon others.
I knew, of course, that if I can affect others, they can affect me. I’ve experienced the veracity of it – how one person’s grumpiness can cause my own grumpy meter to rise.

I thought I got it.
The Divine is inside us. The Divine is outside us.
Check, check. Yup, I agree.

Frankly, though, this idea has, as often than not, felt more dissipating than empowering.

But, yesterday, something shifted.
I actually felt the energy of this truth. Physically.
As I sat there, totally immobile, drippingly sweaty and completely wiped out by 90 minutes of Bikram yoga, the proverbial light went on.
This huge tiredness is huge, only if it only belongs to me. But, if this tiredness is global, if it belongs to the entire Universe, then…WOW!
My mind grabbed this idea and started running with it.
I was filled with the awe as I literally felt the weary being lifted and shared.
As I write this, it sounds foolish.
Epiphanies happen after major, life altering events, not after a particularly tough yoga class.
But, there it is anyway. For a moment, for a marvelous, shining moment, I GOT it.


Carrie Wilson Link said...

Epiphanies don't happen under "normal" conditions? Huh... I didn't know that, I thought that was when they most occur! I get my best light bulb moments while doing "mindless" housework!

Glad you had that one, and double glad you shared it. I love it.

Wanda said...

Epiphanies happen when we are open to them. And I hate that part where I have a life altering moment of clarity and I try to explain it to someone and it sounds stupid. Just for the record though, this does not sound stupid. I get it...because you got it.