Sunday, August 17, 2008

This Perfect Life

I used to think everything in my life had to be perfect in order for me to have a perfect life.

Not so.

It’s the moments.

If this moment is perfect, then life is perfect.

I had a perfect moment last night.

“Mummy,” YS stood in the middle of the kitchen, his big hazel eyes wide with anticipation, his mouth struggling to subdue the smile of excitement burbling behind his question. “Mummy, can we sleep in the backyard tonight?”

“Sure,” I nodded, even as I turned toward the computer to finish typing my blog. It was 10:30 and I wanted to post before I went to bed.

“You’ll sleep out there with me?”


“Do you want to use my camping pad?”

“Love to.”

“How ‘bout a sleeping bag? Do you want a sleeping bag or a blanket?”

“A blanket.”

YS began to gather the necessary backyard camping equipment. He dragged his sleeping bag and two pillows around the table, through the kitchen and out the back door. Next came the pad.

“Wanna sleep under the stars or should we use a tent?”

“Stars,” I replied, still distracted. I had not posted for months and it was somehow vitally important to me that I get that post done. There was no f’n way that the world could survive another moment without this post!

Nothing daunted, YS continued his preparations.
The pop up Play Hut cubes bumped down the stairs behind YS and slapped behind me on the kitchen floor. I heard him flip open the largest one, a 3’x3’ cube. It is made out of red parachute material. The top is solid, the sides each have one big circle cut into them, and the bottom is completely open.

YS squeezed it through the back door and the sides threatened to rip as he dragged it past the lip of the door latch.

Next, he scurried past me with the 13” TV/DVD combo. Even this was not enough to grab my attention away from my computer.

Got. To. Post.

YS thumped down the basement stairs.
Soon I heard him skip back up.

“OK. We’re ready, Mummy.” YS grinned and I could actually see the quiver of excitement flow through his body.

I hit post.
“OK. Let me go brush and floss,” I said. I disappeared up the stairs without even stopping to give him a hug or a smile.

Too long later, I headed out the back door.

YS had made the Play Hut cube into a little gazebo for the TV. The sleeping bag and camping pad were laid out in the middle of the yard and were as close together as they could be without being stacked on top of each other. A pillow rested on the pad and a blanket was laid across the top with the left hand corner gently turned down. All I could see of YS is his tousled brown hair sticking out of the top of his sleeping bag.

When he heard me, he turned and smiled his funny, crooked, gap-toothed grin.

“I was waiting for you for the movie,” he explained with pride.

"This is love," I thought as I slid under the blanket. For a moment, we were both lying on our backs looking up at the sky.

“Look at the moon,” I whispered. It was full and round and encircled by a golden halo.

“Uh-huh. Night light,” he said, flipping over onto his tummy and reaching for the “play” button.

He had chosen “Homeward Bound”. He knows that it is one of my favorite stories.

I turned over. YS reached for my hand.
I fall asleep to the sound of Chance attacking a porcupine.
When I woke up, the movie was over though the TV still glowed blue. YS snored gently beside me and his fingers tightened around my hand.



molly said...

I think I didn't have a clue about the opposite sex until I had sons. Your little guy sounds like a gem!
Tell him to keep watching the night sky for the rest of the month. Something cool to do with Mars....
BTW---love "puddles of petulance!"

Kapuananiokalaniakea said...

My little guy IS a gem.
Thanks for the astronomy tip. We'll keep our eyes peeled.

Wanda said...

Yep. You are a perfect mom. I knew it.

Nancy said...

This is really perfection and you are my hero! So glad to see you posting! I can't believe you just went out and slept under the stars! ALL night?? We used to do a neighborhood camp out in the yard when the boys were little but I made my husband sleep outdoors with them. My daughter has been begging to do this but with ME, not HIM. No more excuses after reading this :)

Carrie Wilson Link said...

Love how you throw out, "love to" not knowing WTF you're agreeing to, but knowing if YS asks, your answer is yes. This is great writing. This is great wisdom. This is just all over great.

Michelle O'Neil said...


Kapuananiokalaniakea said...

Perfect mom? Not so sure. Perfect moments? Definitely.

Glad to be posting, too.
I, too, used to "make" someone else do the backyard camping. Never again!

You know me well. One wouldn't think that I could actually fit around YS' little finger, but I do, and I couldn't be happier about it.

Thank you. I was indeed a beautiful night!

Anonymous said...

You make me cry.