Sunday, August 24, 2008

Kindness Chronicles IV

There is a woman at work who is pregnant. Very pregnant. And very beautiful!

One day, she came to work in a soft, white eyelet dress. She floated in the door, a breath on a day that was heavy with heat. She was hope, and light and new beginnings personified.
She was a gift.

I’m glad I noticed.
I’m glad I told her.

Once again, I was reminded that it is the moments that matter.
And this moment made all the difference for this woman.

Apparently, she had been receiving all of the rude, insensitive, size related comments that a woman must endure during the course of a pregnancy – all of the inappropriate hands-on-the-belly touching of complete strangers and all of the I’m-so-done-with-this-pregnancy feelings of a woman in the last trimester of a second pregnancy.

It’s easy to be too busy.
It’s easy to think it doesn’t matter.

It’s easy to miss the moments.

But the moments matter.
The moments make all the difference.


Carrie Wilson Link said...

That is so true, and so beautiful, and so you. Thank you.

Wanda said...

I love how you take advantage of all the moments to say the uplifting things. This woman will not forget you.

Nancy said...

A wonderful reminder and a challenge to not only stop for the moments, but perhaps to even look for them. Thank you.

Ask Me Anything said...

yes they do..

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Puanani, you are beautiful and give hope, too.

Life is but moments strung together.

molly said...

Even one person saying a kind word can make all the difference to another human being. We need to remember that......good for you!

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