Friday, December 28, 2007


I know all about the Law Of Attraction – energy flows where attention goes. Concentrate on the positive and attract more of it. Dwell on the negative and get more of it.

Yada, yada, yada.

Hard to do when you’ve been busting your butt working for a year and have not one dime, not one thin dime, to show for it. Hard to do when the majority of jobs that you see advertised pay less than what your 16 year-old son earned at his first summer job! Hard to do when you watch money flying out of your bank account and know that the situation is not going to change any time soon and you start to wonder how much longer you can manage.

And then…

I’m sitting in the dentist’s office, waiting for my son, and I pick up a People magazine. (I confess. I pick our medical providers by the number of fluff, completely mindless magazines that they have in their waiting rooms – the more fluff they have, the more points they earn.) I read all about the latest celebrities to get married/divorced/pregnant. I see the lovely red carpet attire and learn about celebrities who have flown off to the far corners of the world to help children living in poverty.

But dig a little deeper, and I come across an article about “Heroes Among Us”. People who give away at least half of their incomes! Regular people. People like you and me. People exactly like you and me, except for the fact that they give away at least half of their incomes!


These are people who truly live a life of abundance. They have completely rejected the attitude of scarcity. They know.

They KNOW!

Right down to the depths of their beings, they know that there is more than enough. They know that having is empty if it is not paired with giving.

And I read about these people.
And I see what is real.
And I know that I will be okay. The universe is abundant and I will be okay.

It feels good to let that one go. And to think…I have People magazine to thank. Go figure.

Check our your giving potential.


Nancy said...

I am in a business that is paid by the job and there is NO work. My sixteen year old IS making more than me at the moment. Thanks for your inspiration and hope. I keep counting the blessings and am confident the rest will work itself out.

Carrie Wilson Link said...

Yes! There is NO scarcity! NONE. ZERO! PERIOD!